Supercharge Your Customer Engagement on E-commerce Portal with Impeccable UX

There is an increase in the fierce competition of online platforms.
Every other week, a new technology-driven brand pops up, on every street corner or a smartphone. Through online portals, businesses seek new ways to reach out to their maximum potential customers and retain old ones. For that, e-commerce portals need to be equipped with several success factors – Content, design, user experience, social media presence, SEO, networking, and paid acquisitions.
And one of the significant factors that drive customer engagement on e-commerce portals is User Experience (UX). The better the UX, the better would be the customer engagement to drive you towards growth.
The e-commerce system is closely linked with UX, and when you work on this, things will naturally fall in place, helping you accomplish your business objectives.
Best Practices to Engage Your Potential Customers Through a Flawless UX
An Actionable CTA
Call to Action (CTA) is a crucial component to boost your website’s conversion rate. The CTA you choose to include in your portal should look different from other elements in it. Besides, it should link to other pages of your e-commerce website. When the users visit your online store, the CTA must attract them to click through it. Make sure your CTA conveys a clear and engaging message you want to show your customers after their click.
Guest User Option to Login
Many sites ask people to sign up before letting them explore it thoroughly. Users usually find it annoying to fill all the details to surf a website. That’s the reason why everyone in four potential customers leaves that site due to the mandatory registration option. To convert your users into engaged customers, implement a trouble-free guest user login option along with the sign-up option. If the website fulfills the users’ requirements, they will register to place their order, for sure. You can also provide an opportunity for users to log in through their social media accounts directly.
Best Use of Graphics
Users want to feel the same experience on an online shopping platform as they are visiting an offline showroom. E-commerce businesses need to ensure that their visitors enjoy similar benefits as secured by the physical stores. However, it is not possible for buyers to try their products online, but you can bridge this gap by adding images and high-quality graphics. Graphics play an important role in attracting users towards a product. Make sure that you use the actual product image from all the angles. Along with this, describe the merchandise in detail, so it becomes easier for users to make their choice. For some products, you can also use videos to demonstrate its working.
Customer Feedback Option
Provide customers with an option to write their feedback once they purchase a product through your store. It is an effective way to improve your customer engagement in e-commerce. Letting them share their views isn’t enough. You need to make them feel that you are listening. Always put a humble response to their reviews and make way for improvement through it.
Dedicated Customer Support
It’s always a best practice to include a live customer chat section on your website. They might find it time-consuming to find their queries in the FAQs section. When you answer their questions in real-time, it enhances engagement rates.
Clear Checkout Process
When your visitors decide to purchase through your portal, they want the process to be smooth. Design your website in such a way that your customers know their next step while they are on the previous one. In short, they want a smooth transition from searching for their product to making payment. Concluding,

Focusing all your e-commerce efforts on “selling” won’t help you gain more customers. Customers these days look for an online store that is more personalized for them. Therefore, investing in an impeccable UX is the key to engaging new customers while retaining existing ones. Over time, they will become your most significant resource for building a capable brand reputation.