B2B Ecommerce platform for IT Products vendor

Business ProblemsSolutionThe Benefits
About This Customer/ Company ObjectiveCustomer provides end-to-end supply chain solutions for all categories of Information Technology products (PCs, PC building blocks, networking, software and enterprise solution products) and Consumer and Lifestyle products (Telecom, Digital Lifestyle products, Entertainment products and Digital Printing Machines) to over 100 international brands and relationship with major brands has been maintained for years. Customer is amongst the leading supply chain solution providers in Middle East, Africa, Turkey and CIS region for leading manufacturers of Information Technology, Telecom and Lifestyle products.

The Business Problem Challenges

Client understood the growing market needs and competitive edge hence decided to lay the foundation of online marketplace platform.

The Solution

How An Invasystems Company Helped 

Invasystems provided an application which took care of

  1. Product Management
  2. Vendor’s Management
  3. Promotions Management
  4. End Customer Workspace
  5. Partner Workspace
  6. Order Management
  7. Billing and reconciliations
  8. Subscription and Contracts Management
  9. Digital Wallet/ Key vault
  10. Credit approval
  11. Site Administration
  12. Back Office & Support
  13. Marketing
  14. Customer Experience and Sales
  15. Product Teams


The Benefits

Benefits For User

  • Creating value: This included higher product sales, new and enriched product offerings, better customer engagement, higher partner loyalty, closer partnerships, and new ways of doing business.
  • Increased industry reputation and influence: It helped Redington create a platform business which allowed sharing resources such as customers, providers and technologies with partners to increase their influence

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