Cloud Architecture Consulting for B2C E-commerce Company

Business ProblemsSolutionThe Benefits
About This Customer/ Company ObjectiveCustomer is Asia’s largest online store for baby and kids products. We cater to the needs of our buyers (mothers buying for their kids) from before the kid is born upto his/her early teens.

The Business Problem Challenges

Customer is in the business of online retail and have over 800+ SKU’s. They wanted to make an online portal with information architecture to be scalable and elastic.

The Solution

How An Invasystems Company Helped 

Invasystems Architecture consulting services engaged with the customer to define the roadmap of their cloud adoption journey. Invasystems monitored the entire infrastructure, productivity tools and business applications in place to evaluate, guide, build and manage IT infrastructure capable of supporting the business.

Invasystems provided

  • Design services on Microsoft Azure Platform
  • Develop and Deployment services for the cloud adoption.


The Benefits

Benefits For User

  • Easier to manage and more efficient usage along with rapid deployment from hardware perspective
  • Scalable/repeatable design in SOA model
  • Faster application deployment

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