Transforming Supplier Collaboration for a Major Auto Manufacturer

Business ProblemsSolutionThe Benefits
About This Customer/ Company Objective

An Indian multinational company with presence in over 100+ countries is in the business of manufacturing Personal and commercial vehicles along with its other divisions looking into various industries such as aerospace,hospitality,retail,steel,real state and finance and many other.It has employee count of 250,000 people.

The Business Problem Challenges

A Client for its two-wheeler division has more than 20,000 supplier for its various automotive parts. A customer was looking for a Supplier portal platform which should facilitates easy communication channel between Suppliers and Employee. In current scenario all the information was scattered so with the help of this portal user will get all the information at a common place.

The Solution

How An Invasystems Company Helped 

Invasystems with various user workshops, surveys and feedback with client suppliers and with its employee came up with a supplier collaboration platform to make a stronger relationship between our client and its suppliers. Supplier portal provided is highly intuitive & user friendly & became a World class benchmark.

The Benefits

Benefits For User

  • One stop communication channel between suppliers and manufacturer.
  • Information exchange, communication and issues were solved using one platform
  • Provided a better efficiency and collaboration with the suppliers.

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