Author name: Pradnya Kanawade

Business Applications on IOT

Business Applications on IOT We are all well acquainted with the term “Internet” but “Internet of Things” or “IoT” as it is called, is a relatively new term. The Internet is one of the biggest transformative technologies that the world has ever experienced but, it is the “internet of people” because it connects people across …

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How bots help automation using MS Cognitive Services Framework

How bots help automation using MS Cognitive Services Framework In this fast-paced world that is almost entirely technologically dependent; artificial intelligence is rapidly becoming a part of our everyday lives. Know what artificial intelligence bots are! For long, artificial intelligence has remained a vague idea, one which people weren’t able to fully comprehend.Well, it is …

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Why you Need a Knowledge Management Tool in Your Organization

Why you Need a Knowledge Management Tool in Your Organization Knowledge management is now a well-established discipline in many large organizations. But what is its status and role in small and medium enterprises and what are the policy implications? Drivers of Knowledge Management Dispersion – the organization is dispersed over several geographic locations. This makes …

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Interactive Work space !

Interactive Work space ! Work Place is a mixture of cogent environment and learning place where we need to adopt new technology jargons each time. The effect is so supernumerary that you need to get engulfed with them. Many times it is needed to lore the employees about new products. But this guidance limits the …

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Communication Matters ! Period

Communication Matters ! Period Communication and collaboration play a vital role in a healthy business environment both from internal as well as the external perspective of the company. As per the study, Companies with effective communication practices enjoy 47% higher returns to shareholders. Use a customized project management tool that will inherit the same platform …

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Beyond Solutions: Providing Memorable Experiences

Beyond Solutions: Providing Memorable Experiences Though Age-old dictum “satisfied customer” still applaud, we should focus on creating a scintillating, dramatic, encompassing novel experience for the user.We continue to talk about service and quality as the key attributes of “value-added”, instead, we must understand that “Experience” is not only a big word with gigantic connotation but …

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